Monday, 19 June 2023

If Only .........

Since Dave died I have had so many opportunities to say if only,  'If only I hadn't kept that grudge.' 'If only I had listened more when he tried to teach me on the computer.' 'If only I had found out where to fill the car engine with oil'.
'If only I hadn't made that comment'
'If only I hadn't posted that message'
'If only I had said sorry straight away or never made the comment in the first place'
'If only we had trusted Jesus more'.

When we lose a partner, a child, a friend from death or even a business, a house,..........  (fill in the space) there can be so many 'if onlys........' but it brings us to a massive place of regret, a regret we can do nothing about.

Imagine how many 'if onlys' Peter spoke and thought about coming up to Pentecost, Acts 2:14. He knew Jesus was the Messiah, the Father had shown that Truth to him and called him, Matthew 4:18. He saw the Transfiguration and wanted to tell Jesus what he could do for Him, Matthew 17:4. What about walking on water, imagine 'if only I hadn't looked down' Matthew 14:29.
If only I hadn't said I would never deny Him, 
If only I had slipped away and not tried to stick around the court house.
If only; .....  if only I had taken on board His warning to me,
If only I had been honest with Him and say I didn't understand,.....
If only He had made it all clearer, if only I had realised He didn't mean I was going to be important in His new Government.....

'If only' ........When Jesus was resurrected, He came straight to Peter to ask him if he really loved Him? John 21:15-18. What a challenge after the previous few days. Peter must have had so many 'If onlys' in his head. 'If only' I had been faithful to Him when I could; 'If only' I was there when He needed me the most..
But now, none of this is helpful, positive or building Peter up, he now knows he is forgiven, Peter told Jesus three times that he loves Him more than anything or anybody. Peter knows too, he can look forward. Jesus has told all the disciples to go back to Jerusalem and wait to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, Acts 1:8

Peter now experienced the life transforming power of the Holy Spirit and will obey His leading day by day with no regrets - no 'if onlys' so he can walk as Jesus walked and do what Jesus did. His first sermon when laying hands on the man sitting at the Temple door, 3000 people were saved, Acts 3:1-8. No more speaking without thinking. He now has a heart full of compassion for the marginalised, even those who killed his Saviour.

I am learning to  give all my 'if onlys' to Jesus, lay them at His feet and recognise He dealt with them all, at the time when they happened, and there is no need to allow them to hold me back. Let us like Peter make a new start, walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, 'as without Him we can do nothing'.  Have a good day, and no more time wasted on 'if only.......'     


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