Sunday, 20 September 2015

Rich in every way?

All summer we have had wonderful challenges of trusting God for money to do certain activities; petrol to go places we felt committed to go to; and food for ourselves and in order to share. I would say 'entertain' but that is a bit upmarket on my kind of cooking!

We have an app for the 'joyforlife' web site that shows us how many hits there are; where in the world they come from, and which pages they have opened. We have been shocked to see that all over the world there are people who want God's promises on FINANCES. As I have this page of reference Bible verses and a study on the subject 'Money Matters', I felt maybe this is an urgent time to write more on this subject that affects us all.

We are so blessed with our finances in that we know how to be abased and live in tight circumstances, and we also know how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. God does want us to have a full life, John 10:10, and He also says 'we will be made rich in every way' WHY? 'so that we can be generous on every occasion' 2 Corinthians 9:11. So a full life comes from giving.

As Paul says in Philippians 4:12 'I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation'.

We have tried to live 'by faith' all our Christian lives, praying about whether or not to buy things, but found this hard when we had plenty although it was great training in listening for the Lord's voice, being in agreement together and waiting in patience for God's timing. This was more urgent when we had nothing. We didn't want to make any mistakes as it affected other needs. Certainly we didn't always do as He said. Father God was always totally faithful, and we have had to learn to praise Him even when we didn't get what we wanted! We can look back on things that didn't happen and be genuinely grateful that God said a very resounding 'No'.

When the children were small we were saving to buy their first pony then we heard about a missionary couple who needed a car to go round the country talking in churches about what they were going to do overseas. We talked and prayed with the children and felt we should give these savings to the lovely couple for their car, which we did. Within 2 weeks we had received a phone call from a friend offering us free, a 16 year old Thelwell pony, Tigger, just perfect for the needs of our children. This was followed by a further two horses we were given at a later date, at just the right time as each child became a more accomplished rider. God provided completely for their desires to enjoy a great sport. Giving is often connected to our needs.

In 1 Kings 17 there is the story of the widow of Zarephath, who was about to starve in a terrible famine when God sent her an extra mouth to feed – Elijah - who had up to this time been fed by ravens. God could have continued to feed Elijah via ravens or sent him to a wealthy family with huge storehouses, but no the Lord sent him to a poor widow who didn’t even have enough food to provide for her own family. God sent Elijah to the widow so He could provide for the widow as well. Her obedience opened up provision that she could never have dreamed possible. 1 Kings 17:16 says, “The bowl of flour was not 
exhausted nor did the jar of oil become empty, according to the Word of the Lord which He spoke through Elijah.” 

There was also the Shunammite woman who after she had been warned by Elisha to leave her home as there was a famine coming, returned home after 7 years, 2 Kings 8:1-6. On having an audience with the King to see if she could have her land returned, she discovered that God had gone before, making sure that Gehazi was with the King explaining how Elisha had raised the Shunammite woman's son from the dead. Such timing! She had everything restored with interest.

Do you know the last words recorded in Scripture from Mary, Jesus’ mother? It was at the wedding feast in Cana. The bride and groom had run out of wine. Mary told the servants in John 2:5, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” This is where we read of Jesus’ first miracle – turning water into wine. Again we see this same principle – obedience releases God’s blessings! Do you need a miracle of provision today? Here’s my advice – whatever He says to you, DO IT. 


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