Saturday, 13 June 2015

Mary, Mary!

'Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished' Luke 1:45 NIV
'And blessed (happy, to be envied) is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of the things that were spoken to her from the Lord'. Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭45‬ AMP
'Blessed woman who believed what God said, believed every word would become true' Luke 1:45 MSG

All the things that happened to me and were spoken to me I kept thinking over and over as I knew they would be important one day.

I, Mary, was a very beautiful young woman living in Galilee, I was very excited as I was engaged to a wonderful man, Joseph, I had my whole future planned out.
We would be reasonably well off, after all Joseph had a good job and came from a lovely family; I could have several children, the blessing of Yahweh; a lovely home and I would be the best wife. But suddenly everything changed, an angel came to me, Gabriel, God's own messenger!..... Alone, no witnesses! What is happening?

'Greetings,....' YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME!! What was happening, who would believe me? Who would not think I was losing my mind? What would Joseph think?

Then more.... 'you who are highly favoured...... ' surely not, not me? Now I know I have talked to all my friends about the Messiah coming but never heard anyone talk about it maybe happening like this, 'YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME'??

'The Lord is with me' WOW I so long for this to be true, but I know how weak I am, how human I am! But then the challenge I need to hear, He seems to know exactly how I feel, every thought!

'Do not be afraid, Mary' even my name, WOW! Then the life-changing, history-making news, 'I have found favour with God..... ' if that wasn't amazing enough, He continues, I will be pregnant with a precious boy, who I have to call Jesus. 'YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME!' and more 'He is going to be a King, have the throne of His Father David, He will rule over Israel and His kingdom will never end'. I can't take it all in. I want to laugh, I want to cry!

I never expected this, my head is spinning, life will never be the same again.

I just had to ask how this was going to happen as Joseph and I had never made love, we were waiting for our special day.

Then the angel dropped the bombshell, 'The Holy Spirit will come upon me, and His power will overshadow me, and my baby is the Son of God'

How do I respond? What shall I say, certainly not 'YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME!' Again He must know what I am thinking, so He told me about Elizabeth which is awesome news as I know how much she wanted a child. He then reminded me 'that nothing is impossible' with the great Almighty, Jehovah, Yahweh.

In that moment I made my choice to allow God to have His perfect will in my life. I am sure I am not aware of the full implications of this decision that I have made, by His Grace, but I know He will be with me every step of the way.

Today everything has changed, I see everything differently and know all I have been through so far has been preparing me all along to be the mother of the promised Messiah, even though I never realised this. I just believe Almighty God that as I trust in, cling to, and rely on all that He has said, I will be empowered to be the best mother and wife, Father God wants me to be to His precious Son. 

Now the first test, I need to speak to Joseph and see how he feels about me after this news, will he believe me? Am I prepared to be misunderstood, even cast out by my family and village, even stoned. I realise Father God has given me a way out, a haven to retreat to while I come to terms with all these changes, I will go and visit Elizabeth and support her through her miraculous pregnancy, we will have so much to share.

What an exciting and challenging example Mary is to all of us to really take hold, daily, of all that God says to us. God says. 'I love you with an everlasting love...........' Jeremiah 31:3 'I have good plans for you.......' Jeremiah 29:11 'I will never leave you or reject you....' Hebrews 13:5 'Fear not little flock....... Luke 12:32.

Are we walking so closely to God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, just like Jesus did? If a 'suddenly' comes, are we well prepared? Will we make the choices that God longs for us to make? Even if that means going against our own or others' plans just to be available to Him? 

'Blessed woman who believed what God said........'


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