Thursday, 5 March 2015

Somebody Loves YOU

You may not receive red roses, chocolates or any other present saying' I love you' but there is One who passionately wants you to know He thinks you are ace, and loves you with a love that lasts forever just as you are today. His love will not change dependent on your behaviour or responses. He made a very public show of this fantastic, amazing, wonderful  love on the Cross so everyone knows you are worth it!

He took the beatings, handcuffs, demands,  all so you  don't have to,  AND  you can experience His very close presence every moment. He will never let you  down, pay you back or treat you  as you deserve! Run to Him and tell Him you want to know this love. He gave all His blood to demonstrate His Love and this, unlike the red roses, never fades so you can never again say 'Nobody loves me'. You are so special to the one who really matters, Jesus Christ.


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