Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Be Warned

Wow what an amazing year we have had with the weather!! All we all talk about is the weather, the great British pastime!! For some it has been life changing, they have lost everything, while others have been a little inconvenienced, like our family, where they couldn’t keep an appointment as the trains were not running due to water in the signals! 'Boohoo', how can we even think about complaining??

Just this last week at Bible Study Fellowship where we are working through Matthew’s Gospel we arrived at Matthew 16 where Jesus says “You have a saying that goes, ‘Red sky at night, sailor’s delight; red sky at morning, sailors take warning.’ You find it easy enough to forecast the weather—why can’t you read the signs of the times?” Matthew 16:1-4 Message. What an amazing week to be studying Jesus’ attitude to the weather forecasts. What He really wanted was the people to look at their lives in the light of eternity, and where they would spend it. The signs that God has given us, pointing to Jesus as His Son are so clear, and much more important than any signs in the weather! We are so blind to the signs of the times, warning us He is coming back soon.

Time to choose Him, to bow our knees to Him and do things His way, instead of trying to solve the world’s problems in our way without involving Him.

We have messed up this wonderful world that God gave us. His plan is for us to live like Adam and Eve did in Eden, enjoying God’s friendship on a daily basis.

Satan continues to lie to us by telling us he owns the world but Jesus bought it back when He went to the Cross, what an amazing sacrifice Jesus made!

‘At the beginning You existed and laid the foundations of the earth; the heavens are the work of Your hands. They shall perish, but You shall remain and endure; yes, all of them shall wear out and become old like a garment. Like clothing You shall change them, and they shall be changed and pass away.’ Psalm 102:25,26 Amp.

Why does God get blamed for ferocious storms and yet we do not even talk to Him when things are ok? I remember a time many years ago when we lost everything, not God’s fault, and yet it felt like having my heart ripped out. But God was there every step of the way in the recovery and redirection of our lives afterwards. He loves us all equally and wants us to thank His Son Jesus Christ for the price He paid to restore us to Him.

Many times I have heard recently on the news of the storms ‘Oh My God’. I pray that the people who are calling out His Name will pause and listen to His voice in the storm saying ‘I love you even in this storm’! 

Even if we have lost everything there is still hope, as one day we will all die and we can’t take any of our ‘stuff’ with us. If the storms of life, long term or short term, make us look at our relationship with God, every loss will be eternally worthwhile. We may not feel good about it today but ask God your Father to show you His goodness in the mess, day by day!

Many people appear to have given up on God. A decade ago less than a quarter of people in the Welsh valleys said they had no religion - now the census shows it is over 40%. But we do not need to be down hearted, God has a much bigger plan, He will do whatever it takes to draw us all into His family so His Son did not die on the Cross in vain.

When a fire crew member described a scene as being "like hell" with high winds hurling rocks, stones and bricks across the beach and cars floating down the road, this is a call to ‘all who are called by His Name humble themselves, pray, seek, crave and require of necessity His face? Will we turn from our wicked ways? If we will then God promises to hear from Heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.’ 2 Chronicles 7:14. humble themselves, pray, seek, crave and require of necessity His face? Will we turn from our wicked ways? If we will then God promises to hear from Heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.’ 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Or will we soon forget when everything dries out and returns to normal and we can try and sort it all out ourselves? Who needs God? He needs us, He can sort this world by Himself but so much prefers to do it with us and for us, that is why He made us! 


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